Plan Your Lessons

What are you looking for in your Spanish Online Lessons?

Complete the following form in order to share your Spanish learning goals with me, so we can create a plan that matches your needs and interests. Clases are dynamic and interactive in all levels.

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Have you taken Spanish lessons before?
What level of Spanish do you think you have nowadays?
What are the skills you are most interested in developing? (You can pick more than one)
How many lessons a week would you like to have?
Which lessons time is more suitable for you?
How long would you like to take lessons for?
Are you interested in group lessons?
Would you like to speak Spanish during the entire lesson?
Would you like to complete some grammar exercises during the lessons?
Would you like to follow a regular Spanish book for learners?
Would you like to work with texts and short stories?
Would you like to work with music in Spanish?
Would you like to work with TED talks and videos with native speakers?
Would you like to work with podcasts?
Would you like to have homework to complete after class?